59 A common metaphor of our society is the metaphor of the market. All reality is seen as one vast marketplace. Use of this metaphor (“buying” into it) restricts reality to marketers (sellers), the marketed (products), and the marketees (buyers or consumers). The seed metaphor of the market is being watered every day. Many have devoted their lives to watering this seed. The metaphor itself is being “sold” globally.
60 Some of us, for various reasons, may be closet helmet wearers. We may be able to adopt other helmet realities during the day, but in our private spaces, we wear a different helmet. Some of us may note that such a notion as the embodying of spirit may not be in our helmet repertoire, or, if it is, it is seen as spacey, ethereal and otherworldly; in other words, not real. Some of us may decide that we are happy with the helmet we have and do not wish to be disturbed.
61 All of us are embodyings of spirit (life force) at all times. Otherwise we would not exist. If you truly think that you are separate from, outside this force, you have become a demigod, a little god unto yourself. You have become super natural, removed from the natural.
62 For a martial art example of unification of mind, body and spirit, see George Leonard’s The Silent Pulse (referenced in Appendix B: Bibliography) and the chapter: “This Isn’t Richard.” Another example is portrayed in The Return of the King, the third film in The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Frodo is bound and in danger of death in a tower room. Sam, his friend, is rushing up the stairs to save him with three monster warriors in his way. According to the arts of war, Sam has every disadvantage: he is occupying the low ground and fighting upwards; he is small in size; he is outnumbered; he is relatively unskilled in weaponry; his opponents are large, muscular, skilled, and ruthless. None of that matters. Sam plows right through them with relentless intent. His mind and body are moving in perfect accord with a single purpose: free his friend. As a result he is an embodying of spirit.